11 April 2013

Why it's important not to piss people off

I'd forgotten about this until I came across it on another blog. (from: http://goo.gl/iTHz8)

This is what Chuck Pahalinuk, author of Fight Club said,

“Years later, in London, a young man pulled me aside before a book event. He was a waiter at a five-star restaurant–one of only two five-star restaurants in the city–and he loved how I depicted waiters spoiling food. Long before they’d read my book, he and other servers had messed with the food they served celebrities.

When I asked him to name one celebrity, he shook his head. No, he couldn’t risk telling.

When I refused to sign his book, he waved me closer and whispered:

‘Margaret Thatcher has eaten my cum.’

He held up one hand, his fingers spread, and said:

‘At least five times. . .’”

There's a moral there for all of us.

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