Coincidence, right?
And the bare truth...Thatcher is still being touted as the daughter of a greengrocer, as if that puts her roots as coming firmly from the working class.
Oh, puhlease.
Okay, I concede: her old man, Alf Roberts (not to be mixed up with the more lovable Alf Roberts of Coronation Street fame), actually was a greengrocer. It's true.
But he was also a Justice of the Peace, president of the Chamber of Trade, President of Rotary, a director of the Grantham Building Society, a director of the Trustee Savings Bank, chairman of the local National Savings Movement, a governor of the local boys and girls grammar schools and chairman of the Workers' Educational Association. During the Second World War (note 1 below) he was Chief Welfare Officer, directing civil defence, and soon became Chairman of the Finance and Rating Committee. In 1943 he was elected by the council as an Alderman and then served as the Mayor of Grantham for a year.(amusingly, calling for 'a large programme of expenditure to rebuild the roads, public transport, health and social services for children and to "build houses by the thousand. (Wiki bio)
But fuck it, let's just call him a greengrocer, shall we? And while we're on, let's belittle him a little more, by pointing out that there's strong evidence to suggest he was also at the very least, a sex pest who groped employees bums and looked up their skirts, and maybe even a groping sex offender, depending on how you want to grade the offences
When you consider the accusations that Thatcher knowingly employed paedophiles, and had Jimmy Savile around for seven (or was it eleven?) New Years in a row, things start to look a little like what went around was still going round. Some have nodded a wink to Denis Thatcher being one of the club, as it were. Who knows? We might never find out...or maybe we will.
[Note 1: The first World War was actually the Seven Years War (1754-1763) (which you might have noticed was actually nine years not seven.) You also have to watch what historians tell you.]